- Dry Mouth: The most common oral health concern you’re likely to experience as you age is dry mouth. In the medical world, dry mouth goes by the name xerostomia, and can be brought on by a number of contributing factors, including the over-consumption of drying beverages like coffee and alcohol, as well as the frequent consumption of salty foods. Another big offender is the medication we take over a lifetime to treat various illness. And the list isn’t a short one – there are at least 400 medications that can contribute to xerostomia, including medications for high blood pressure and depression. Last month there was a new patient who came in with a history of getting many cavities and was frustrated because he was meticulous about his home care because of his history. We were able to identify his lack of saliva, which is our number one defense against cavities, and gave him some remedies such as Biotene and their line of products to help him with his dry mouth and cavities.
- Ill-fitting Dentures: First off, it’s important to note that the need for dentures is not a must as we age. Today, healthier living and better access to dental care has reduced the percentage of seniors wearing dentures to 27% from nearly 50% just a few decades ago. That said, should dentures be a part of your life, or that of a loved one, wearing properly-fitting dentures is critical. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a denture reline. Give us a call at 305-598-6070 to see if we can help. Dentures that cause pain or shift in the mouth tend to alter a person’s eating habits, which can lead to nutrition deficits if healthy, but hard-to-chew, foods are avoided. Ill-fitting dentures can also cause thrush.
- Physical Obstacles to Good Oral Care: As we age, we sometimes find ourselves having to contend with physical ailments that limit our desire to maintain good oral care. Arthritis, vision loss, or injuries are a few of the most common. To combat these concerns, using a floss pick to get between teeth can be helpful, and the regular use of oral rinses can assist in dislodging difficult-to-remove food debris, while adding to the overall health of one’s mouth and gum tissue. Here’s how to choose the best mouth rinse for your needs!
- Naturally Receding Gums: The old expression “long in the tooth” isn’t just a quaint idiom about how one accumulates wisdom with age – it also refers to how our teeth appear to “lengthen” as we age. In other words, it’s a fancy way of saying our gums are receding. While some degree of gum recession is indeed natural as we get up in years, this predisposes us to cavities along the root structure of the tooth where enamel doesn’t exist. So, as one ages, flossing, brushing and rinses are more important than ever.
- Gum Disease: Natural gum recession is one thing, and a part of “growing up,” if you will. Gum disease, however, is preventable. So, if it’s been longer than six months since you’ve seen us, please do give us a call at 305-598-6070. Each of the above items in this list can contribute to gum disease, and good oral care can prevent it. Failing to do so can lead to a need for dentures at its most extreme, and pain and swollen gums at its least. We’d prefer you experience neither concern!
- Tooth Loss: If a tooth is lost due to trauma or decay, and not replaced with an implant or other prosthetic, it can have serious complications for the health of the jawbone. Teeth can shift out of place and fall out, and bone tissue can be resorbed back into the body. Not a good thing.
- Loss of Insurance Coverage: Retirees without dental coverage can sometimes cover the expense of dental care on their own; sometimes they cannot. But a lack of funds to take care of one’s teeth can be devastating to the health of our mouths, and our overall health. So we need to plan for two things: a care routine that allows us to take care of our teeth as much as humanly possible and some sort of financial backup plan for when problems do arise. We have third party payment plans such as Care Credit and Lending Club. We also have our own in house discount plan. Give us a call to inquire about it.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
7 Oral Health Concerns for Those Over 50
When they say “age is all in your head,” they’re probably right. But
then, your teeth ARE in your head -- so you likely can’t escape having
to pay a little more attention to them after the age of 50. Although
some oral health concerns are seen as common as we age, if you adopt a
proactive mindset and educate yourself, these concerns do not have to be
common for you. Anticipating and recognizing changes in your mouth can
help you be on top of your health in this area -- so let’s take a look
at the main ones you have to watch out for.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Dr. John Nelson: The meaning of young, successful
Please check out my article, "Dr. John Nelson: The meaning of young, successful."
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Friday, December 6, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Dental Cleaning & Consultation
A healthy mouth is an important part of overall wellness. Keeping your teeth white and clean requires a regular routine of cleaning both at home and via a professional dental care provider. During your next dental cleaning and consultation visit, you can expect an examination of the health of your teeth, gums and the soft tissues in your mouth, as well as a thorough cleaning.
The manner in which you clean your teeth determines their preservation and protection from decay and other oral health conditions. At home, every surface of your teeth, gums and tongue should be brushed with fluoridated toothpaste at least twice daily. It is also important to floss once per day to loosen plaque and debris that becomes lodged in the crevices of the teeth.
You should make an appointment for a professional dental cleaning once every six months. At that time, a hygienist will inspect the gums for periodontal disease, which is the primary cause of tooth loss in America. The hygienist will the use a tool to gently scrape away hardened plaque on the teeth that is not removable using traditional brushing techniques. This plaque is responsible for harboring bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Regular professional cleanings also help remove topical stains from beverages like coffee and tea. Furthermore, the small cost of preventative care tends to save patients money on future dental restoration and treatment costs.
Your dental cleaning may be followed up with a brief consultation from your dentist. Depending on how much time has passed since your last dental visit, your dentist may request x-rays of your teeth and jaw to detect underlying conditions. The dentist may review your x-rays and the surfaces of the teeth for caries, decay and possible complications. If problems are found, he or she will discuss options for treatment, as well as ways you may be able to prevent additional problems in the future.
You should make an appointment for a professional dental cleaning once every six months. At that time, a hygienist will inspect the gums for periodontal disease, which is the primary cause of tooth loss in America. The hygienist will the use a tool to gently scrape away hardened plaque on the teeth that is not removable using traditional brushing techniques. This plaque is responsible for harboring bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Regular professional cleanings also help remove topical stains from beverages like coffee and tea. Furthermore, the small cost of preventative care tends to save patients money on future dental restoration and treatment costs.
Your dental cleaning may be followed up with a brief consultation from your dentist. Depending on how much time has passed since your last dental visit, your dentist may request x-rays of your teeth and jaw to detect underlying conditions. The dentist may review your x-rays and the surfaces of the teeth for caries, decay and possible complications. If problems are found, he or she will discuss options for treatment, as well as ways you may be able to prevent additional problems in the future.
dental cleaning
Miami, FL, USA
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